вторник, 21 мая 2013 г.

Тема: Театр и кино в нашей жизни (“Theatre and cinema in our life”)

Учебная цель: Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников. Активизация употребления сложного дополнения.
Образовательная цель: Расширение знаний учащихся о кино и театрах в России.
Развивающая цель: Развития умений и навыков учащихся средствами изучаемого иностранного языка о кино и театрах.
Воспитательная цель: Воспитания культурного человека средствами театра и кино.

Ход урока.
  1. Оргмомент.
Сегодня мы представляем тему «Театр и кино в культурном воспитании человека».
Этот проект выбран в рамках общелицейского проекта «Культура и культурный человек» и реализуется в нашем мини проекте. Главная задача проекта - формирование эстетических качеств посредством театра и кино. Ребятами был собран большой материал из истории театра и кино. В монологах будут представлены театры, кинотеатры, кинорежиссёры, актёры и какую роль они играют в формировании культуры человека. Этот проект представляют учащиеся восьмых классов.

  1. План урока.
Well, pupils, the problem under discussion at our today’s English lesson is bringing up cultural and an educated person speaking about cinema and theatre with the help of your slide – shows. We represent the project “Theatre and Cinema”.

  1. Фонзарядка.
- Now I’d like you to train some sounds and words.
Theatre, thought, think  [θ]
Opera, operetta  [o]
Music  [ju:]
Ballet  [æ]

  1. Тренировка лексики.
T - Now, let’s speak about theatres and cinemas.
1) – Are you a theatre or a cinema – goer?
(I am a cinema – goer)
2) – How often do you go to the cinema (to the theatre)?
(I go to the theatre once a month)
3) – What kind of films do you prefer?
(I prefer feature films, comedies soap operas.)
4) – When did you last go to the cinema?
(I went to the cinema last Sunday).
5) – What film did you see last?
(I saw “The best film 2” It’s a comedy.)
6) Do your parents like to go to the theatre or to the cinema?
(My parents like go to the cinema)
7) What film do they prefer? Do they prefer dramas or comedies?
(They prefer dramas).
8) When do you usually go to the cinema? Do you go to the cinema in the middle of the week?  (  No , I don’t. I go to the cinema on Sunday)
9) What film is on at the cinema “Five Stars”? Did you see that film? (It is «Возвращение мушкетеров»).
10) When will you go to the cinema?  (I’ll go to the cinema next Sunday.)

  1. Тренировка грамматики.
T – I want you to repeat some grammar material. What do you know about Complex Object.
(Учащиеся рассказывают правило) Look at the monitors of the computers and we have exercise.
1. I watched the sun. It was rising.
I watched the sun rising.
2. I heard him. He was singing an English song.
I heard him singing an English song.
3. He saw two actors. They were dancing on the stage. He saw two actors dancing
on the stage.
4. I saw my friend. She went to the cinema. I saw my friend going to the cinema.
 - I’m glad that you remember this grammar rule.

  1. Аудирование.
Well, now listen to the text and answer the questions:
-        row — ряд
-        dress-circle — бельэтаж
-        splendid — великолепный
-        pit — партер
-        box — ложа
-        chandelier люстра
-        scenery декорация
-        playbill театральная афиша
-        excellently превосходно

Учащиеся прослушивают плёнку
“A visit to the theatre”
There are many theatres in our country, but the most famous of them are in Moscow. If you want to visit a theatre you have to buy a ticket.
Now you have bought the ticket. You pass through an entrance and go to the cloak-room. Then you go to the hall. There are rows of seats there. You can see the pit near the stage. There are boxes on both sides of the pit.
A dress-circle is higher than the pit. The balconies are higher than the dress-circle. There is a beautiful chandelier in the hall.
I am a theatre-lover. I prefer to visit drama theatres and the Bolshoi Theatre. As I like to sit in the pit, I try to buy a ticket before­hand. I usually look through a playbill before going to theatres.
Two months ago I saw "Three Sisters" by Chekhov in Moscow Art Theatre. The play was splendid. The main role was played by Tatyana Doronina. I like this actress. I think, she is talented. When the curtain rose, we saw a nice scenery and the spectators began to applaud. It was a storm of applause. I can say that during this performance all the actors and actresses were playing excellently. On the way home we discussed the performance with my friends.
I usually go to the theatre with my friends.

1.            Are there many theatres in Moscow?
2.            What can you see in the hall?
3.            Where is the pit?
4.            Is there a chandelier in the hall?
5.            Where do you like to sit in the theatre?
6.            Do you buy tickets beforehand?
7.            What kind of performance have you seen this year?
8.            What can you tell me about the scenery?
9.            Do you usually discuss the play?
10.        Whom do you go to the theatre with?

Do some task, please:
Match the English word with its Russian equivalent:
Scenery                                партер
Circle, pit                             бельэтаж
Stalls                                    ложа
Dress – circle                        балкон
Upper circle                          амфитеатр
Box                                      декорация

7.        Монологическая речь, диалогическая речь.
T – Now I’d like you to speak about theatres and cinemas. Рассказы учащихся.
T – Thank you very much. And now we are going to show some slides, look at the screen, please.
Слайд шоу о театрах. (Приложение 1)
T –Now let’s speak to each other. (диалоги учащихся).

Do you often go to the theatre?

Yes, I do. (I don't go to the theatre very often. I'm a theatre-lover. No, I have never been at the theatre. I can't say that I am a theatre-goer.)
What is your favourite theatre?
My favourite theatre is the Bolshoi Theatre, which is world-famous for its ballet and opera. I also like to visit drama theatres such as the Maly Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre, etc...
Which do you like better: drama, opera or ballet? What about nautical comedies and variety shows?

I like them all.
As for me, I prefer drama, but I like opera and musical comedies, too.
Do you prefer matinees or evening performances? When do evening performances start?
Where do you like to have seats?
I prefer evening performances which start at 7 o'clock sharp after the third bell.
I usually have seats in the stalls (in the pit, in the boxes, in the dress-circle, in the balcony, in the fifth row).
Are seats in the balcony much cheaper than those in the stalls?
How do you usually get the tickets? Do you prefer to buy the tickets in advance (beforehand) or right before the performance?

Yes, they are. (They are much cheaper but less convenient.)
I usually buy the tickets at the box-office or at the theatre agency five days in advance. But sometimes I buy the tickets right before the performance.

Do you usually use opera glasses when you go to the theatre?
Yes, I do. (Sometimes I use opera glasses. No, I don't. Never.)
Where do you leave your coat when you are at the theatre?
I always leave my coat in a cloakroom.

What play did you see last?
The play we saw (is based on a novel by a well-known American writer; is written by a young French playwright).

Was it the first night?
Yes, it was.
No, it was not. The play was staged long ago.
Was the house full or empty?
The house was full (empty; nearly empty).
How did you like the play?
I liked it. (I didnt like it at all. I enjoyed it immensely. I think it was a waste of time. I wish I had stayed at home.)
Was the play worth seeing?
The play was amusing (dull; funny; sad; instructive; entertaining; worth seeing; no good; boring; not bad; awful; stupid)
Was the plot interesting?
The plot was quite simple (most interesting; primitive; rather unusual).
Was the acting good?
The acting was excellent (not very good; not bad; bad; poor).

T – Thank you. I’I’m glad that you know the names of some theatres and cinemas and you can speak about them, and now remember about which actors and directors you know.

Слайд шоу о кинорежиссерах, актёрах,  the genres of film.
T – I see you know a lot about theatres and cinemas, about directors and actors. And now look at the screen and we have a test about genres. (Приложение 2)

Учащиеся выполняют тест.
Look at the screen and define what genre of films are they?
Отрывки из фильмов на английском языке. Учащиеся отгадывают жанр фильма.

8.        Сценка.
- We have worked a lot and now let’s see an extract from the book “Three men in a boat” by Jerome K. Jerome.
Extract from the book “Three men in a boat” by Jerome  K. Jerome

Harris: Have you ever been in the maze at Hampton Court? I went in once to show somebody else the way. I had studied it up in a map and it was so simple that it seemed foolish – hardly worth the two pence charged for admission. The map must have been got up as a practical joke, because it wasn’t a bit like the real thing, and only misleading.
Автор: There were a lot of people and Harris’s cousin near Harris.
Harris: It’s very simple. It’s absurd to call it a maze. You keep on taking the first turning to the right. We’ll just walk round for ten minutes, and then go and get some lunch. Harris and his party and joined the progression, blessing him.
Автор: There must have been twenty people following Harris in all; and one woman with a baby, who had been there all the morning.
Harris: It was a very big maze. Oh, one of the largest in Europe.
Cousin: Yes, it must be, because we’ve walked a good two miles already.
Harris: Oh, impossible.
Woman with the baby: Not at all. I could add, that I wished, I had never met Harris and I expressed an opinion that he was an impostor.
Автор: That made Harris mad, and he produced his map, and explained his theory.
Harris: The map may be all right enough, if you know where about in it we are now. I suggested that the best thing to do would be to go back to the entrance, and begin again.
Автор: About ten minutes more passed, and then they found themselves in the centre. The crowed looked dangerous. The people started for the third time. And three minutes later they were back in the centre again. It became so regular. The people all got crazy at last and sang out for the keeper. And the man came and shouted out directions to them. 

9.        Интернет.
- I think that it will be interesting for you to know the programs of some theatres.

10.    Подведение итогов.
- Today at the lesson you’ve known a lot about theatres and cinemas, about actors, directors. You’ve spoken about different theatrical performances, listened to the text about “A visit to the theatre and you’ve spoken about film genres, you’ve seen an extract from the book “Three men in a boat” by Jerome K. Jerome. I’m sure that now you will visit theatres and cinemas: you will have the best way to spend the time wisely. You will be really educated boys and girls. Your marks are “fives” Thank you. The lesson is over. Good – bye.

Урок английского языка в 5 классе по теме “Place where I live” (Место, где я живу)

Цель урока: закрепление пройденного материала, создание образовательной среды, способствующей максимальному усвоению пройденного материала.
1.      Обучать навыкам аудирования: понимание на слух текста повествовательного характера;
2.      Совершенствовать навык диалогической устной речи;
3.      Продолжать строить монологическое высказывание с опорой на схему;
4.      Продолжать обучение чтению вслух;
5.      Повышать уровень учебной мотивации.
1.      Развивать умения и навыки устной речи;
2.      Развивать диалогическую и монологическую речь.
1.      Воспитывать чувства уважения, гордости, любви к своему родному городу;
2.      Воспитывать культуру общения, желание продолжать учить английский язык.
3.      Формировать дружелюбное и уважительное отношение друг к другу.

Ход урока:
I.                   Организационный момент:
      1.  Приветствие:
Good morning, children, I’m very glad to see you. Sit down, please. Prepare all necessary things for the lesson. I hope, you are ready for our English lesson.
2.      Answer my questions, please: What date is it today?
                                                             Who is absent today? Why? (T – P1,P2)
II.                1. Установка к уроку:
Today we are going to speak about our home town called VORKUTA, about its places of interest. Also we’ll remember London with its sightseeings.
2.Фонетическая зарядка:
-But first look at the blackboard. There is a proverb: East or West – home is best. (Слайд № 2)
Let’s translate it (P-s).
Отработка пословицы в режиме:  T – Cl – P1P2P3, T – Cl
T: And what proverbs about home do you know? (There is no place like home).  What does it mean?
3.      Аудирование:
- Now you’ll listen to a short story of Linda. But first look at the blackboard, please. There are some difficult words (Слайд3):
NATIVE  http://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5b.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/39.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/110.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/101.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/73.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/116.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/73.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/118.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5d.gif- ? = HOME
DIFFERENT http://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5b.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/39.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/100.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/73.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/102.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/40.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/113.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/41.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/114.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/113.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/110.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/116.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5d.gif отличаться
FRIENDLY  http://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5b.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/39.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/102.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/114.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/101.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/110.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/100.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/108.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/73.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5d.gifдружелюбный
EVERYWHERE http://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5b.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/39.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/101.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/118.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/114.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/73.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/119.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/101.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/113.gifhttp://www.multitran.ru/gif/%5d.gif везде, повсюду
- You’ll listen to the text and you have to answer the questions (Слайд №4):
1. Where is Linda from?
2. Where does she live?
- Прослушивание текста (2 раза).
Where do you come from?
I come from a small town in Minnesota. But I live in Hollywood now. And it’s very different. In my hometown people are very friendly. They walk down the street and they speak to you. They say: “Hi!” there and “How are you? Here in Hollywood people don’t walk, they drive everywhere. I live in its big house on Santa Monica and sometimes I don’t see anyone all day.

T: Answer the questions – P1P2P3 (отвечают)
4.      T: Where are you from? (P-s: I am from Vorkuta).
   Where do you live? (P-s: I live in Vorkuta/ I live in Komi Republic).
   What is your hometown? (P-s: My hometown is Vorkuta).
   What is your native town? (P-s: My native town is Vorkuta).
5.       Look at the blackboard, please. (Слайд№5) There are some pictures. Look at them. I think that something is wrong. Do you agree? Come here and say what it is and where it is.
(P1: This is the Central Square. It is a popular square in our town. You can walk there. It is very beautiful.
P2: The Victory Square – is a square where there are some monuments and many trees.
P3: This is Big Ben. It is the biggest clock in London.
P4: The Olimp – is a sport center where you can skate, play hockey and even dance.
P5: Westminster Abbey – is a residence of the Queen. It is in London.
P6: The Regional Museum – is a famous museum in Vorkuta. There you can learn about history, animals of Vorkuta.
P7: This is a famous double-decker bus of England.
P8:  Central Park – is a popular park. There you can walk and even boat.
P9: The Palace of Miners is very famous in Vorkuta. There are different concerts. It is beautiful.
P10: London Bridge is the largest bridge in London.
P11: The Palace of Youth – is a place for children. They go in for sports there, dance and even look after animals.)
 (Слайд №6) и (Слайд №7) Is everything OK now? (P-s: Yes, it is).
6.      Диалогическая речь.
Your home task was to make up dialogues. Look through your dialogues. Who want to be the first?
(P1 – P2, P3 – P4…)
Диалоги детей:
1). – Hello!
     - Good morning! Where are you from?
   - I am from Vorkuta. And where are you from?
   - I am from London.
   - Is Vorkuta big?
   - Now, it is not big. But it is beautiful. Would you like to visit Vorkuta?
   - Yes, I would. But what places are there?
   - You may visit Central Square, Central Park, the Olimp and many other places.

2). – Hello!
     - Good morning!
     - Can you tell me about Vorkuta?
     - Yes, I can.
     - What is the Regional Museum?
     - The Regional Museum is a famous museum in Vorkuta. There you can learn about history, animals of Vorkuta. Would you like to visit it?
     - Yes, I would.
     - Let’s go there.

3). – Hi!
     - Hello! Where are you from?
     - I am from Vorkuta. And where are you from?
     - I am from London.
     - What would you like to visit in Vorkuta?
     - I would like to visit a sport center. Have you got any?
     - Yes, we have. The most popular is the Olimp.
     - Let’s go there.

4). – Good morning!
     - Good morning! Where are you from?
     - I am from London. And you?
     - I am from Vorkuta.
     - What can I visit in Vorkuta?
     - You can visit Central Park. It is very beautiful.
     - Thank you. Good bye.
     - Good bye.

5). – Hello!
     - Hello! Where do you come from?
     - I come from Vorkuta. And you?
     - I come from London. Is Vorkuta big?
     - No, it is not.
     - Is Vorkuta beautiful?
     - Yes, it is. And I like it very much!

7.      Чтение и работа с текстом.
- Now we’ll read the text “My native town”. Let’s read and translate it. (P1P2P3…)

My native town
            I am from Vorkuta. My Hometown is far from Moscow. It is a new town. My town is small.
            There are many houses in our town, hospitals, schools, colleges and institutes. There are theatres and museums.
            Near our town there is tundra with bushes, flowers, mushrooms and berries. There are many reindeer there.
            There is a river called Vorkuta and a lot of lakes in tundra.
            My parents have a big flat here. Our address is 17, Lenin Street, 28, Vorkuta.
            I like my hometown.
            There is no place like home!

- Find in the text sentences:
T:  1. Мой город – маленький.
      2.Возле нашего города есть тундра.
3.       Я из Воркуты.
4.      У моих родителей есть большая квартира.
5.      Я люблю мой город.
-          Agree or disagree with me:
1.      My hometown is big.
2.      I like my hometown.
3.      There are many cats in tundra.
4.      My hometown is far from Moscow.
5.      There are no museums in our town.
8.      Look at the blackboard, please. (Слайд №8) There is a picture and you will make up a short story about Vorkuta.
Что мы можем сказать в каждом случае? Ученики составляют предложения по схемам:
I am from Vorkuta.
Vorkuta is new.
Vorkuta is far from Moscow.
9.      Who can try to make up a story? (P)

III.             1. Home taskПодготовить пересказ “My native town”.
Двое – трое учащихся послабее получают индивидуальные задания по тексту.
                    2. Подведение итогов урока.
Today we spoke about our native town. Now you know many things about it. Do you like our lesson? What do you like the best? (P-s: reading, dialogues, text…)
-          Выставление оценок.